Comin-Cholin Bird B-complex 250 ml

comin-colin-b-complex 250ml

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  • comin-colin-b-complex 250ml

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Only £9.90 Inc VAT
Comin-Cholin Bird B-complex strengthens and supports the bird’s metabolism in every stress situation.
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Product Description

Comin-Cholin Bird B-complex is a solution of amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins, sorbitol, methionine and choline. It strengthens and supports the bird’s metabolism in every stress situation.

Dose : 1 coffee spoon (5 ml) in 0,5 L of drinking-water.

To be changed every day.
- Particularly recommended with high protein diets
- Advisable in case of transport and shows, and as a purification before the breeding period.
- It has a positive influence on the feather quality.
- We recommend to give Comin-Cholin Bird B-complex to birds which receive colouring agents in order to limit the possible negative effects of these colouring agents on the birds’ health.

Technical Information

Product Type Liquid
Size 250 Grams
Shipping Group M