Disease and Diagnostic

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Belgica De Weerd Standard Test Kit

L Delivery type £15.00 as low as £13.50 From: £13.50

Gift Voucher £15

S Delivery type £15.00

Gift Voucher £25

S Delivery type £25.00

Gift Voucher £10

S Delivery type £10.00

Cultured Plus Test: Belgica De Weerd Netherlands

M Delivery type £25.00





Trichomoniasis (Canker)


Ornithosis Complex:


Adeno-coli Syndrome


Gift Voucher £50

S Delivery type £50.00
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Within this section you will obtain information and symptoms on the below Avian Diseases & Conditions: Ecoli, Paratyphoid - Salmonella , Adenocoli Syndrome (Young Bird Sickness) Ornithosis, Trichomoniasis, Coccidiosis, Worms, + Other Bacterial Infections. Diagnostic Testing, Medication & Support Available from of Avian Veterinary Department Belgica De Weerd UK. Open 9.30am-5pm Monday-Friday CALL: 0116 4821739 OR EMAIL: [email protected]