Curol (Cure Oil) Bird 250 ml

curol 250ml bird

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Only £25.30 Inc VAT
Curol (Cure Oil) Bird is a composed health oil which supports the immune system, especially for birds, with active aromatics.

Product Description

Curol (Cure Oil) Bird is a composed health oil which supports the immune system, especially for birds, with active aromatics. It is indispensable as a preparation for the breeding and ideal in case of STRESS caused by social disturbances (breeding, shows, …).

Use: 1 cure of 14 days before the coupling and before the beginning of the shows.

During other periods: 2 – 3 times a week.

Dose: 1 coffee spoon (5 ml) per 250 g of food.

Technical Information

Product Type Liquid
Size 250 ML
Shipping Group M